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Biological aging: When does it start and how can we slow down the process?

A slowed metabolism, increased external signs of aging, less energy. These are all symptoms of our biological aging. But did you know that you can slow down your biological aging?

At what point does the aging process begin?

Chronologically, we naturally age with each passing day. This is just as true for a young child as it is for an adult. From biological perspective aging results from molecular processes that are influenced by genetic and environmental parameters.
Shortly after puberty is completed, i.e. as soon as the body has fully developed, biological decay sets in. At first, this sounds more dramatic than it actually is. But from this point on, for most healthy people, the biological peak is reached and the organism begins to slowly decay over time.
This zenith can vary slightly from person to person. As a rule, however, it is reached in the early to mid-20s. Gradually, the health and efficiency of our body decreases, but it usually takes a few more years until the aging process becomes noticeable.

How does aging show itself?

The first signs of aging appear in the 20s and are often external. The skin loses its elasticity and shows the first fine lines, because from about 25 it visibly loses collagen and hyaluron lost. Also the first gray hairs begin to sprout and are usually pulled out without further ado.
But even though you often don't notice it that early, the aging process also starts from the inside. Our metabolism for example actually decreases even before we reach the age of 20. We experience another rapid decline starting around 60. This sharp drop in metabolic performance is associated with a drastically higher development of chronic diseases.

But our entire musculoskeletal system is also affected. With increasing age we lose more and more muscle mass. From about 30, we lose up to 8% of our musculature every decade. This figure increases from 60 and reaches a value of about 15% per decade from 70. In addition, the intervertebral discs become thinner and thinner at 30 and the elasticity of our cartilage that protects the joints decreases.
Perhaps the most disturbing and important finding is that the greatest risk factor for developing chronic disease is age.

Strategies to slow biological aging.

Admittedly, all of this doesn't sound so splashy. But this doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to your health in your 20s or 30s, or that there's no hope for you after 50 or 60.
Evolutionary considerations suggest that aging is not caused by active gene programming, but by evolutionary limitations on physical "maintenance" that lead to an accumulation of damage. Science has focused on 9 hallmarks of age (called "Hallmarks of Ageing") that explain why we age.
This means you have several ways to best support your body over time. Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercise, meditation and science-based supplements like epigenics can help you slow down the biological aging process.

Our Zell Boost nutrient complex is for anyone who wants to optimize their health and slow down their biological aging. As with all preventive measures, it is of course worth starting early. However, we do not recommend taking it before your mid-20s, once puberty is over.

But of course it is never too late to take care of your body and health. Even those who discover these health-promoting measures for themselves later in life can still achieve optimal conditions for a long healthy life.

Note: epigenics® supplements are not designed for children or adolescents, but for people after puberty. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication or under medical supervision, please contact your doctor before taking.

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