Only 20% of our aging is genetic.
The rest is in our hands....
50 trillion reasons to take care of your health
Our 50 trillion cells are specialized in the continuous regeneration of our body. But over time, the function and efficiency of our cells decline.
Discover our evidence-based products with holistic effects
Micronutrients of
Longevity Research
Zell Boost combines the 10 most effective micronutrients of longevity research in one product. Available optimized for men and women.
Collagen Plus contains biomimetic collagen®, hyaluronic acid and collagen activators such as vitamin C. Unlike animal collagen, biomimetic collagen is present in the same ratio as our body's own collagen and is therefore more effectively absorbed.
Kollagen Plus enthält biomimetisches Kollagen, Hyaluronsäure und Kollagen Aktivatoren wie Vitamin C. Anders als bei tierischem Kollagen ist biomimetisches Kollagen im gleichen Verhältnis wie unser körpereigenes Kollagen vorhanden.
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